Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Travel Europe THIS Spring

As I recently mentioned in my previous blog post, spring is the best time to travel to Europe and explore anything and everything it has to offer. Just in case you haven't had the chance to read, "Travel Europe in the Spring", here are 4 of the biggest reasons why this time of year is the absolute best time to travel to abroad to Europe:

1. The weather is cool, making it possible to enjoy exploring outside...even if it's raining (yes London, I'm talking to you). The sun is usually out, but it's not quite hot yet...meaning perfect temperatures and beautiful scenery.

2. The streets are empty...which will enhance your trip for many reasons including: less crowds on the streets, shorter lines at attractions, more space to enjoy scenery and sites, and time and space to breathe and take it all in.

3. Higher local than tourist ratio...meaning more of an authentic feel of the area. However, this could also possibly mean more conversations (including tips and advice) with people who know the area like the back of their hand. I can get the best dollar tapas where? I'm in!

4. Prices are lower...more affordable deals for restaurants, hotels/Airbnbs, and even sites and attractions. Prices don't increase until summer (when more tourists visit). Cheaper means more than you had originally planned for your budget AND itinerary!

City streets full of tourists won't happen until about mid-June. This means that as of right now, there is still time to visit Europe this spring. In fact, you have about a month to get there before the streets get crowded, prices increase, and the weather gets hot (in most places). What are you waiting for? Book that flight! Can I recommend Barcelona, London, or Prague?

Safe Travels,

Casa Batlló. Barcelona, Spain.

Mediterranean Sea. Barcelona, Spain.

Gothic Quarters. Barcelona, Spain.
Houses of Parliament. London, UK.

London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey. London, UK.

Natural History Museum. London, UK.

Tower Bridge. London, UK.
Old Town Square. Prague, Czech Republic.

Charles Bridge. Prague, Czech Republic.

May 2024 Flights From Salt Lake