Friday, March 29, 2019

Why I Love Taking the Train in Europe

Since I’ve started traveling to Europe, there have been 5 countries in which I have taken their rail system. Not to say that’s a lot of places and that I’m a professional by all means, but I can sure say that I have some experience taking the train within (and out of) a foreign country. Whether it be within, or from one country to another, I have noticed many positive similarities in all of my experiences I’ve had in taking the train:

It’s Affordable: It’s obviously cheaper than a plane ticket. And it’s certainly cheaper than renting a car, taking a taxi, or even taking the bus in some places.  Since many locals use a lot of rail systems in Europe to get from point A to point B, it’s always running (regardless of the number of people on board), making it super affordable for us tourists to hop on board and get to where we want to go.

It’s Easy: As I already mentioned, many locals use the train regularly, so trains are (almost) everywhere. In many European countries, since the train is a common source of commuting, cities make an effort to clearly display as well as communicate transportation information at their stations. They make it extremely easy to find the right platform to hop on the right train and hop off at the right stop. Also, keep in mind that many European countries speak English, so it won’t be difficult to ask for help and/or to read a train route that they already most likely have in English.

It’s Convenient: Though taking the train from one country to another may take a bit more time than flying, you’ll have the chance to just relax and look out the window to take in the view. Maybe you’ll even just want to catch up on sleep. Whatever you choose, know that you made the right choice with not having to deal with the hassle and stress at the airport, driving and finding your way in an unfamiliar country, or getting screwed with fare prices of a cab.

Some Advice (for the longer train rides): If there is an option for first class, look into it. It may not be the first class you’re hoping for with free drinks and food, but it may have some intriguing perks such as: more space not only to get up, walk around and stretch your legs, but to simply just have more leg room while sitting down. For me, that’s intriguing enough! How about: less people, more comfortable seats, and better views? Is that enough to sell it to you?

Now, keep in mind that some instances of first class may cost you a tad more. However, it could very well be worth it if you’re trying to aim for a more rested, happy, and “read-to-take-on-this-trip” you before your next stop.

Safe Travels,

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