Friday, April 13, 2018

Take a Walk....Or a Run On Your Next Trip

When I daydream (which is quite often frankly), I daydream about traveling. I daydream about places I crave to visit, and I daydream about previous trips and the many memories created. I remember the places and unforgettable sites I visited and I feel a great sense of happiness and accomplishment. To me, that’s the best feeling ever.

 Catedral de Barcelona on a morning run.
Barcelona, Spain.
One day when reflecting (and daydreaming) about our most recent trip to London and Prague, I stopped mid-dream and wondered how we are always able to see and do so much in what’s always a little amount of time. The answer became obvious to me after time spent dissecting some of our past trips. I realized that besides careful itinerary planning, the key to seeing so much in so little time while traveling is simply to go on a long walk (or run) in the morning or at night in the city in which you are visiting. Runs, especially, gave us the advantage to see everything on our list, along with so much more than we ever thought possible. Here are more reasons why you, too, should consider walking or running throughout the next city you visit:

1)      Cover More Ground. Simply put. It makes sense that you will be able to see more on foot as opposed to being in a car. You’ll not only be able to see all around you, but you’ll be able to maneuver through narrow spaces and areas that would be near impossible to fit any automobile or bike. If you’ve ever been to Venice or Prague, you’d know what I’m talking about.

2)      Keep Up on Your Exercise Routine. Yes, I totally get that it’s your vacation and you want to take a break from your daily routine (plus exercise can be work, and the last thing you want to do on vacation is work), but don’t make that rookie mistake. Cutting out your exercise routine while traveling can make you feel even groggier on your trip. The last thing you need is a mix of grogginess and already existing jet lag. Going on a run, especially, will allow you to feel fresh, energized, and balanced. It will also aid in clearing those cobwebs created from jet lag. Oh, and there is a BONUS: You won’t feel so guilty stuffing your face with all of those breakfast pastries and pints of beer you’ll be having during your stay. Chicka chicka yeah! 

Holyrood Palace on a morning run. Edinburgh, Scotland.
        3)     Cross Off Some Sites on Your Itinerary. It’s always a fun surprise when going on a run in an unfamiliar city and discovering sites that you already had planned on visiting. When you get lucky enough to come across these sites, it will be one place you can “X” out on your itinerary…meaning you just made room to do something extra on your trip. Be sure to wear appropriate and modest clothing on your run just in case you decide to go inside somewhere that has a certain dress code requirement. Also, bring cash or a credit card on your run in case you come across a cute cafĂ© you want to try out after your run. I think we’ve done this on every one of our runs.

4)      Discover Places (or Things) You Didn’t Have On Your Itinerary. It’s also always a fun surprise when going on a run in an unfamiliar city and discovering sites or things that you didn’t have into your itinerary. There is so much more to see in a city than the top travel attractions. Try taking the back roads (safely) and exploring what more the city has to offer. You may just find a hidden gem that only the locals know exist.

Piazza San Marco at night. Venice, Italy.
5)      Beat the Crowd. Whether you decide to go early in the morning or at night, you will most likely beat the crowd in the more touristy areas. Nothing compares to the feeling of having some of the most beautiful sites in the world to yourself where no one is there to rush you, hustle you, push or crowd you. Go ahead. Stop and take it all in. You have time. Plenty of time. The silence will be the most memorable. Once you have spent ample time gawking and gazing, take oodles of impeccable, frame-worthy pictures. Fingers crossed you have less people and more site in your pictures. Hurry before the crowd gets there!

Prague Castle on a night walk.
Prague, Czech Republic.
6)   Free Entry. Some sites have free entry before and/or after its hectic hours. Do your research and find out if some of the attractions you plan on seeing have these options. Prague Castle and most of its grounds are free after 5pm on most nights! Prime time to save money and beat the hustle and bustle! Have you ever been to a castle at night? It's absolutely magical.

Whatever you decide to do in order to sight-see during your trip: walk, run, bike, hop-on and hop-off bus, taxi, etc., just make sure you are making the most of your time there. Though it’s near impossible to see everything each city has to offer (no matter how long the trip), you might as well put forth your best effort and try to see as much as possible. For remember, you never know when you’ll be able to come back! Sad I know…but also true. To leave you on more of a positive note: More adventures await you! It's a big world, and you have so much to explore. So start planning…and daydreaming! Ready....set...globetrot! 

Safe Travels,

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